Announcing the Launch of StakeWise V3 on Gnosis Chain

3 min readJul 25, 2024

StakeWise V3 is now live on Gnosis Chain! 🎉

The coveted upgrade introduces a novel approach to liquid staking, whereby any GNO validator can access osGNO — a liquid staking token — to receive instant liquidity and use staked GNO in DeFi apps.

StakeWise V3 also features a marketplace of staking offers known as Vaults Marketplace, bringing a diversity of node operator options to Gnosis Chain.

Users can stake any amount of GNO through their chosen Vault to start earning staking rewards, unstake at any time, and mint osGNO to access opportunities available through other dApps on Gnosis.

When combined together, osGNO and the Vaults Marketplace give stakers the ability to access liquid staking from the security of their chosen node, and grant liquidity and access to DeFi opportunities to all GNO currently staked outside of StakeWise.

The marketplace already features fantastic offers from Serenita, 0NEinfra, StakingVerse, StakeSaurus, and Blockscape., Gnosis, DSRV, Chorus One, Bitfly, Finoa Consensus Services,, Stake.Fish, and Senseinode will support StakeWise V3 as Oracles, ensuring a decentralized approach to calculating staking rewards earned by users and automatically processing validator exits to support users’ requests to withdraw GNO from the platform.

The major overhaul in StakeWise’s approach to staking should not worry its existing GNO users because the current platform will continue to exist alongside StakeWise V3. Any existing users of StakeWise willing to migrate their sGNO and rGNO to V3 can do it now with one simple transaction by following these instructions:


At the core of StakeWise V3 is the idea that liquid staking should not be exclusively available on specific nodes and staking platforms. In fact, GNO staked in any validator could be made liquid if a single liquid staking token standard existed.

StakeWise V3 seeks to offer such a standard with osGNO, its LST on Gnosis Chain. It accrues staking rewards when held, and can be minted for any validator in the network. Thanks to osGNO, farming, trading, and leverage opportunities involving staked GNO can soon be universally accessible by all nodes on Gnosis Chain, including those run by solo stakers.

Having osGNO is a big win for home staking, DAOs, staking companies, and other organizations who may prefer to stake independently instead of pooling capital across multiple providers.

Yet ordinary stakers can take advantage of universal access to osGNO too, because it empowers them to choose specific nodes and control how their GNO is staked while keeping it liquid.

StakeWise V3 is now available on Gnosis Chain at




Liquid staking for DeFi natives, solo stakers, and institutions on Ethereum and Gnosis Chain. Stake from any node & stay liquid with osETH & osGNO tokens.