StakeWise — the 1st ETH staking platform to join Topaz Testnet

3 min readMay 15, 2020

Sticking true to our vision of becoming ETH staking platform of first choice, we speak about why it matters to be the 1st on Testnet and walk you through StakeWise Beta.

StakeWise was born as an idea 2 years ago, and has since evolved from a pet-project into the full-blown platform it is today. Working in stealth mode this whole time, we developed a place where thousands of users can stake ETH via pooling or hosting their own validators. Today, we would like to talk about our first important milestone and show how StakeWise Beta works.

We strongly believe in preparation and are convinced that so do our users. Releasing the beta early would give users the opportunity to test-drive StakeWise before Phase 0 launch and hopefully decide staking with us from the moment it was live. There is superb advantage to having a head start, because early on, you receive the highest possible reward. Estimates suggested around double digit % annually, which is a great figure for our users, so we pushed to complete StakeWise asap.

Our team pushed hard to roll out the beta soon after the Prysm Topaz Testnet launch, and the results of this work are in.

We are the 1st ETH staking platform to join the public testnet 🎉🎉🎉.

The importance of this is hard to downplay— if you want to demonstrate your commitment to the cause, be on the front lines. Our commitment to developing the best ETH staking service is clear: our founder @tsudmi was there from the beginning (and even a small-time contributor to the Prysm client), and now we are the first ETH staking beta running on the official configuration. You will be the ultimate judge of the quality and level of service that we offer, but remember one thing: you can expect us to work similarly hard on helping you meet staking goals with StakeWise.

So what’s the fuss all about? Let us show you the 3 simple steps to (s)take with us:

1. Go to and hit “Get Started” to login with Metamask:

2. Once logged in, request gETH (test currency):

3. Add your deposit into the pool:

That’s it. No more steps — just wait for others to deposit too and start earning rewards from your validator!

Join Stakewise Beta now, and try other ways to pool ETH — pool with friends, or even run your own validator on our servers.

In the meantime, we are always ready to have a chat about anything on our Discord and Telegram. And of course, all of our contract documentation is available on Github for analysis. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more!

Stakewise Team




Liquid staking for DeFi natives, solo stakers, and institutions on Ethereum and Gnosis Chain. Stake from any node & stay liquid with osETH & osGNO tokens.