Vote For StakeWise In The EigenLayer LST Contest — How to Vote (gas-free!)

6 min readNov 2, 2023

EigenLayer has launched a voting contest to onboard the next set of liquid staking tokens, where the winning LST gets onboarded into EigenLayer next as a matter of priority.

StakeWise is taking part in the contest, competing for a fantastic opportunity to integrate osETH into one of the most sought-after platforms in DeFi!

And this is where StakeWise stakers come in 😏.

For the next 6 days, your sETH2 and rETH2 tokens are more than just staked ETH — they are your tickets to lucrative early restaking opportunities and a potential — pure speculation at this point — airdrop from EigenLayer.

That is, only if you help StakeWise win the LST contest against 7 other LSTs. The competition is fierce, so we need your vote!

Voting for StakeWise in this contest is easy and free, and yet the payoff for StakeWise and your wallet can be significant.

Follow the instructions below to cast your vote in favour of StakeWise — every little counts!


🎟 You are eligible to vote if you hold sETH2 and rETH2 tokens or provide liquidity for them.

⛓ You can vote for StakeWise on both Ethereum Mainnet or Mantle Network (a legitimate new L2), but only one of them will count.

🗳 We recommend using Mantle Network to vote as it is perfectly safe while effectively being free to use, because the Mantle team airdropped MNT tokens to allow voters to pay for gas on Mantle.

🗓 Voting will go on until Nov 8th, 12pm EST (6pm CET in Europe) but don’t hesitate to vote now.


🃏 Head to StakeWise’s submission for the “EigenLayer LST contest (Mantle)” on the Jokerace app 👇

🔌 Connect the wallet that holds LSTs to Jokerace

⬇️ Scroll to the bottom of the submission (might as well read it 😅).

♻️ Switch to Mantle Network by pressing the “switch network” button.

🖱 Allocate the desired number of votes to StakeWise and press add votes.

✅ Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

PS. if you don’t have MNT tokens in your wallet (some users didn’t receive them) then feel free to send your address to or in our Discord and we will provide you with the necessary MNT to vote.

That’s it! Once the transaction is confirmed, your votes will be cast in favour of StakeWise. Thank you for your support!

Visual instructions

Step 1: Head directly to the StakeWise submission page hosted on the Jokerace voting platform. Here, you can read the full details of a StakeWise <> Eigenlayer partnership.

Step 2: Scroll to the very bottom of the StakeWise submission page to show the Vote section. Click connect wallet and select your wallet from the pop-up menu to check if you are eligible to vote.

After connecting your wallet, your voting power will be displayed under my remaining votes. For example, the below address has 1 vote that is unused:

Step 4: Select switch network to connect to the Mantle network. If this is your first time connecting to Mantle, you may need to add the Mantle Network to your wallet. The below gives this example on MetaMask.

Once you have approved the addition of the new network, you should be prompted whether you wish to switch to this network. Proceed to do so.

Step 5: You are now ready to vote! Manually type the number of votes or move the slider up to 100% and select add votes. This will trigger a transaction in your wallet to be approved to submit your votes on-chain. Note, if you do not have sufficient MNT to execute the transaction, feel free to send your address to or in our Discord and we will provide you with the necessary amount of MNT to pay for vote submission.

Once the transaction has been processed on-chain, you should see a pop-up showing the successful deployment of votes and your voting power should be fully used up:

Thanks for contributing to the success of StakeWise!


Q: I have never heard of the Mantle Network — what is it?

Mantle is a new Layer 2 network built on top of Ethereum, analogous to Arbitrum and Optimism, allowing for the execution of on-chain transactions at a dramatically reduced cost. Gas fees on Mantle are paid using their native token, MNT.

Q: Are Jokerace and Mantle Network safe to use?

Yes, both are perfectly safe to use, because 1) you are not putting capital at risk when interacting with Jokerace on Mantle — your wallet on Mantle Network is probably empty if you’re asking this, and Jokerace doesn’t require any token approvals, and 2) Mantle Network has been audited many times over, and Jokerace has also been audited.

Q: What happens if StakeWise wins this contest?

If StakeWise wins this contest, its upcoming LST called osETH will be integrated into EigenLayer to enable osETH restaking to support consensus on other networks and earn more rewards for it. Restakers of osETH might become eligible for the EigenLayer airdrop (pure speculation at this point — there’s chatter about it in crypto circles but nothing has been confirmed).

Q: Can I vote on both Ethereum Mainnet and Mantle Network to double my votes?

No — unfortunately, your vote will be counted only on one of the networks.

Q: Where can I follow the leaderboard for this contest?

You can follow the leaderboard on two separate Jokerace pages:


Ethereum Mainnet:

Note that the current tally is not final — the EigenLayer team will go through the votes at the end of the contest and remove double-counted votes from the tally.

Q: When will we learn about who won the contest?

The winner will be announced some time after November 8th.

About StakeWise

Staking made simple. StakeWise is a liquid staking service on Ethereum that allows you to earn a passive yield on ETH without entrusting funds to StakeWise. Our platform provides stakers with pooled and solo liquid staking options, taking security and self-custody to the next level.

Enjoy some of the best staking terms on Ethereum:

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Liquid staking for DeFi natives, solo stakers, and institutions on Ethereum and Gnosis Chain. Stake from any node & stay liquid with osETH & osGNO tokens.